a. cabin (carry on) luggage
size: 55x40x20cmm
option 1: hard shell (polycarbonate) https://www.awaytravel.com/suitcases/carry-on-without-battery/sand https://horizn-studios.com/en/collections/luggage/cabin/products/h5-essential/night-blue/
option 2: soft shell
lightweight luggage max of; 2.9-3.5 kg.
volume min of 35 l
4 high quality revolving wheels - double spinner.
reference; rimowa; multiwheel® system; ball bearing mounted wheels and cushioned axels
built in tsa compliant lock
logo to be printed and also quote molded for the hard shell
internal divider system
optional features:
smart blue tooth connectivity for:
handle weight system
usb charging system