成都市偉杰塑膠有限責任公司是一家專業設計開發生產EGR閥, 電磁閥,怠速閥,變速箱閥為服務與一體的專業生產公司。產品遠銷歐洲、美國、中東等國際市場。
成都市偉杰塑膠有限責任公司擁有一批設計、開發、生產管理,產品控制,售后服務等多方面專業人才。公司秉承“求實、創新、嚴謹的務實作風,堅持以質量取勝”的發展策略。我們采用先進的設備、最新的科技,最好的材料保證汽車EGR電磁閥和EGR 閥的質量,靈活方便,經久耐用,我公司遵循“顧客至上,信譽為本”的經營旨,為客戶提供性能價格比優越的腳輪。目前已經和國外知名的公司合作, 比如SMP, DORAN DENG .熱忱歡迎國內外新老客戶洽談業務,共創輝煌。
Chengdu Weijie Automotive electronicCo.,ltd.. is a professional manufacturer of Egre valve, soleniod valve, Idle valve, gear box valve etc.. Our products are engaging in design, innovative, with quality service. Our products have been sold to the US, Europe, and Middle East countries. The company has its own research and development staff for continuous improvement in design, innovation, management, quality control and, technical assistance. The company stands the principles of “Realistic, Innovative and Precise as its mottos, and has been recognized as having award winning quality. We use advanced equipment to assure our good quality. Our motto is: “Credit First, Supremacy of Customers” We provide different types of EGR valve with superior cost and performance to suit the needs of various customers. Now our main clients including SMP, Dorman etc. famous company .We welcome business from all prospective customers and full stand behind our products.