  • 聯系人:sunsoar (女)
  • 手 機:13361257985
  • 座 機:0532-88984910
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  • 郵 箱:sunsoar@sunsoar.top
  • 地 址:山東省青島市市北區臺柳路270號鴻府國際大廈903
  • 0532-88984910
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For many years,Sunsoar has been producing high quality,innovative admixture technologies for concrete.Sunsoar’s product was a concrete admixture that allowed for the electrification of tunnels in China by waterproofing the concrete that lined the interior.Now recognized as a world leader in specialty chemicals and other products specifically engineered for concrete,we continue to bring technologies to the market that focus on the optimization of costs,workability,and durability of concrete throughout the production and application processes.

With a full line of concrete admixtures and complementary products for cement production,ready mix,tunneling&mining,precast/prestress,paving,manufactured concrete products,and dry mortar production,Sunsoar has unique and innovative solutions to meet the needs of the concrete industry.Our broad range of admixtures help to improve both the plastic and hardened properties of concrete,providing both consistent and reliable results to our customers and end users.